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The Site is accessible at the following address: and is published by MILA ELI SAS, which operates the Loulou de Saison trade name and brand.
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The publication director of the site is Ugo Bensoussan, CEO.
The Goods on sale on the Site, in accordance with the general conditions of sale, are sold by the company Loulou de Saison : MILA ELI SAS
Phone : +33 (0)1 44 88 25 47
Email :
Trade Register : 812 585 461 R.C.S.
Paris Share capital : 60 000 euros
Head office address : 10 Rue de Cléry, Paris 75002, France
VAT NUMBER : FR22812585461
Loulou de Saison invites the Net surfers to take note of its general conditions of sale, its policy of confidentiality and the management of its cookies.
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The entirety of the contents of the site is the exclusive property of Loulou de Saison, of this fact no contents of the site can be used, reproduced, or published partly or entirely without the explicit agreement of Loulou de Saison.